

Digimon Adventure GEM Series "Angemon & Takeru Takaishi" (Reissue)

At the maturity of Takeru Takaishi's partner Digimon Patamon, the angel-shaped Digimon "Angemon" with six white wings is back!

Of course, my partner Takeru is also with me.
Attention is also paid to the sculpting of a strong body that has been trained, and the smile that makes you feel the embracing power of Angemon who holds Takeru in his arms and smiles!
Takeru's head is a ball joint, so you can move it and enjoy changing facial expressions.

Product size

Overall height about 220 mm (up to the top of Takeru), width about 240 mm

Product specifications

・ Pre-painted finished figure ... 1
・ Dedicated pedestal ... 1

© Akiyoshi Hongo / Toei Animation

* Item might be delayed 2-3 months due to an International Shipping Delay problem.
* Delayed PO item is not allowed to request for refund.
