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Cardfight!! Vanguard V Trial Deck 12 Ahsha [VGE-V-TD12] (English)

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Introducing the Trial Deck for 《Neo Nectar》! Enjoy cardfights with just this product!

Featuring 4 copies of the deck's trump card, "Ranunculus Flower Maiden, Ahsha"! This deck inherits the 《Neo Nectar》 characteristic of high-power attacks! With the introduction of "Ahsha's Flower Fairy Tokens" that copy the power and critical of your vanguard, you can experience the feeling of wielding overwhelming power! The cards with RRR foil treatment in each deck are "Ranunculus Flower Maiden, Ahsha", "Blossoming Maiden, Cela", "Budding Maiden, Diane", and a random card out of 12 types (remaining 13 types excluding "Maiden of Blossom Rain").

Reissue cards are 1 copy of "Maiden of Blossom Rain" (the ever popular draw trigger sentinel!), 3 copies of "Amimelo Melon", 4 copies of "Night Queen Musketeer, Daniel", and 3 copies of "Chestnut Bullet"

Strengthen this deck with Extra Booster 14 "The Next Stage", available July 10th! Also, featuring a new card type known as "Order"! The player going second gets a "Quick Shield" when he or she rides on the First Vanguard, also featured in this product!

Featured Clans : Neo Nectar

Card Types : 16 types of cards (12 new cards / 4 reissue cards, inclusive of 4 holo cards)

Others : 
1 pre-constructed trial deck contains 50 cards
1 display contains 6 decks
First guide
3 Double-sided Gift Markers (Front: Force I, Back: Force II)
1 Quick Shield card
5 token cards (2 Plant tokens and 3 Ahsha's Flower Fairy tokens)
