The Gundam (ガ ン ダ ム) models, also known as GUNPLA, are model kits that uniquely represent the vehicles and characters of the fictional Mobile Suit Gundam universe by Bandai. These kits have become popular with anime mecha lovers and model enthusiasts in Japan and other Asian countries. The Gundam universe is huge, so there are hundreds of GUNPLA models themselves, and each of them has its own unique look. The mere assembly of GUNPLA models is a fantastic form of entertainment for many hours and the end result can delight everyone! Even people who have not had much contact with modeling so far.
GUNPLA models are a real treat for collectors. Thanks to such sets, we learn patience, logical thinking, and develop manual skills. It is great fun for everyone! We build models from scratch, each set contains a certain number of elements made of the highest quality plastic, which we connect with each other without the use of glue. Each of the GUNPLA models is fully movable, which gives unlimited possibilities of its setting.
In each set, apart from the model itself, we also find many accessories such as weapons, accessories, stickers or various variants of the construction of the models themselves. Of course, nothing prevents you from personalizing your GUNPLA with paints so that it becomes one of a kind!