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Re-Ment Pokémon Terrarium Collection 3

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Title: Single Box (Random)
-[Pokemon Terrarium Collection] Series 3rd
- A figure combining [Terarium] and [Pocket monster].
- A lineup of Pokemon who appeared from game software such as Celebi, Cyndaquil [Pocket Monster Gold · Silver].
- You can look into the natural appearance of the Pokemon, reproduced in a monster ball type transparent container!

1, Charmander
2, Zapdos
3, Cyndaquil
4, Misdreavus
5, Vaporeon
6, Celebi

- All six types
- Contents: Figures · Gum (1 piece) · Mini seat
- Container: use transparent acrylic material
- Can be opened and closed
- Inner figures are removable
Item Size/Weight : 21.9 x 14.6 x 10.7 cm
