

Pokemon Center Haunted Pokémon Village: Oranguru Ancient Archives Figure

Tricks & Treats in the Haunted Pokémon Village!

What mysteries and secrets lie within the Oranguru Ancient Archives? If you're brave enough to approach Litwick, Alakazam, and Banette—not to mention Oranguru itself—you just might find out! As several Unown hover around the building, Chatot perches on top to oversee all. Add some whimsical Pokémon fun to your Halloween and seasonal decor with this detailed and eye-catching figure that's full of personality.

  • Features Oranguru, Alakazam, Banette, Chatot, Litwick, and several Unown, plus other Pokémon looking out the windows
  • Each figure is delicately hand-painted to highlight the details in the scene; natural variations in paint may occur
  • Part of the Haunted Pokémon Village collection
  • Pokémon Center Original
