

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG : Labrynth Magician Orcust Creation Pack 02 (English)

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Title:Single Pack (Random)

Release Date 3rd of February 2024

The first print runs of Creation Pack 02 boxes include 1 Creation Pack 02 +1 Bonus Pack.

Includes cards that are related to cards from Age of Overlord.

Includes members and/or support for the "Labrynth", "Magician", "Orcust", and "T.G." archetypes.

There are 5 cards per pack and 30 packs per box. The set contains 200 cards.

10 Ultimate Rares

20 Ultra Rares

40 Super Rares

50 Rares

80 Commons

10 Ultra Rares are also available as Secret Rare.

8 Ultra Rares are also available as Quarter Century Secret Rare.
